CIDX - Canadian International DX Club

Canadian International DX Club



About CIDX

Membership Information

Sample Newsletter

Contents of the CIDX Messenger


CIDX on Facebook


CIDX on the air

CIDX Amateur Radio Club Stations

Focus On Ukraine

The Radio HF Newsletter

Links to other sites



The Canadian International DX Club (CIDX), a not-for-profit, volunteer staffed organization, has been serving its members, and the radio monitoring community, since 1962. CIDX is a general coverage radio club covering all aspects of radio. CIDX Headquarters are located in Saint-Lambert, Quebec.




Membership is open to radio enthusiasts worldwide. CIDX members receive the club's monthly newsletter, Messenger, by email in PDF format.



1 Year 3 Years Currency
Canada $10 $25 Canadian
United States $10 $25 US
Other Nations $10 $25 US or Canadian


By PayPal to the CIDX PayPal account at

By cheque payable to Canadian International DX Club, and mailed to:





Request a free sample copy of Messenger by sending message to




The Canadian International DX Club is a general coverage radio club. Our monthly publication, Messenger, features columns on a wide variety of topics from the world of radio. Here are the details of what you'll find in a typical issue.


Headquarters Report - Editor: Sheldon Harvey - Featuring special offers to CIDX members, details of CIDX special events, plus FREE classified ads for CIDX members.

Board of Directors' Report - Editor: Sheldon Harvey - The latest information on developments within CIDX from the Board of Directors at CIDX Headquarters.


Radio Basics - Editor: Brian Penney - Radio Basics addresses questions that beginners to the hobby of radio listening may have and offers tips, suggestions and references to help us all get the best experiences from our radio hobby.


Broadcast Band Column - Editor: Nigel Pimblett - A monthly review of activity and news from the longwave, mediumwave (AM), FM and TV bands, including your loggings.


Verie Interesting-The QSL Column - Editor: Mickey Delmage - featuring QSL verifications from AM, FM, TV, shortwave, utility, amateur or free radio stations often including copies of QSL cards or letters received by members.


The World of Utilities - Editor: Gilles Letourneau - featuring utility stations, either voice transmissions or any of a variety of digital modes used for HF communications; what you can hear, frequencies and bands to receive them, what you'll need to receive them, the modes of transmission they use, publications and web resources to help identify them and guidance on equipment and software that is available to decode them.


Shortwave Logbook - Editor: David Ross - featuring shortwave broadcast station loggings submitted by our members including country, station, frequency and time for each logging.


World English Survey - Editor: Harold Sellers - highlighting the English language broadcasts on shortwave by international broadcasters.


Target Listening by Time and Country - Editor: Harold Sellers - providing a guide to where, when and how to hear radio countries operating on the shortwave bands.


Free Radio Scene - Editor: Brian Penney - featuring loggings, QSL information, station profiles, feature articles and insight into the free radio scene.


Glenn Hauser's World of Radio - Editor: Glenn Hauser - A collection of various sources of information relating to radio, in particular shortwave, some original material created and produced by the editor, as well as links to other information from other sources. 


Shortwave Station Resources - Editor: CIDX HQ - featuring a monthly listing of resources providing frequencies and times of individual stations and tools for identifying which stations are on each frequency at specific times.


DX Program Guide - Editor: Glenn Hauser - Featuring a collection of English language DX/SWL/media programs available on shortwave radio together with a few selected mailbag shows, listed by day, UTC time, and frequency.

Not Just Listening! - Editor: CIDX HQ - Each month this column provides links to films, TV shows, documentaries, books, videos and other sources, all with a common theme: radio! Please share your favourites with us.

Uncle Skip's Bookshelf - Editor: T. J. "Skip" Arey - Sometimes reading about radio is just as much fun as listening to the radio. In each installment Skip reviews one of the latest additions to his bookshelf.

Podding Along - Editor: John Figliozzi - A subjective guide to hearing some of the best programs on radio through the use of podcasts.

Technical Talks - Editor: CIDX HQ- featuring technical articles, equipment reviews, modifications, antenna designs, electronic projects, technology updates and your technical questions.

Ham Radio Muse and News - Editor: Eric Cottrell, WB1HBU - Featuring news, information, loggings, contests, DX tips, and the latest developments in amateur radio.

News, Notes, and Skeds - Editor: Sheldon Harvey - A collection of news, notes and skeds submitted by CIDX members and friends of CIDX.

What's News - Editor: CIDX HQ - Featuring a collection of radio and media related stories from newspapers, magazines, the Internet, blogs and other sources.

Propagation Report - Editor: Sheldon Harvey - Featuring the long-term magnetic activity review and the magnetic activity forecast reports taken from the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources' Space Weather Canada.


Members are encouraged and welcomed to contribute material for publication in any of Messenger's columns. Material may be emailed directly to a specific column editor, or to CIDX Headquarters, providing the originating source of the material.


Broadcast, re-broadcast, reproduction, publishing or republishing of any material contained in our monthly publication, Messenger, is prohibited without the permission of the CIDX Board of Directors. With permission, reproduced material, in any form, must include full recognition and provide full credit to CIDX and the column editor concerned, as well as the originating source of the material, if different than the column editor.


CIDX holds monthly online virtual meetings for member, using the Zoom platform. The date and time of each meeting appear monthly in Messenger.




Please join CIDX Facebook group for up to date information on events in the club, updates, DX tips, exchanges with members, photographs and lots more.




The CIDX forum on is an on-line gathering place for CIDX members.  Meet here to exchange information with other club members, post messages, read late breaking news and tips. Check the group page for complete details.



Sheldon Harvey and Gilles Letourneau co-host The International Radio Report, 30 minutes of news and views on the world of radio broadcasting.  On the air weekly since November 1987 on CKUT-FM 90.3 MHz. in Montreal, Sunday mornings at 10:30 am Eastern (1530 UTC, one hour earlier during Daylight Saving Time). The program is live-streamed and archived at  Send email correspondence to the show at or join The International Radio Report's Facebook page, Archived and special editions of the program are also on the show's YouTube channel at


CIDX has two amateur radio club stations that are activated from time to time on the ham bands, usually to mark special events, club anniversaries, et cetera.

  • VE2AQP is located at CIDX's eastern HQ in Saint-Lambert, QC.
  • VE6SWL is located at CIDX's western HQ in Sherwood Park, AB.


A collection of radio-related links regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Original version)


The Radio H.F. Internet Newsletter is edited and published by CIDX President Sheldon Harvey. Members of CIDX automatically receive the Newsletter by email each month. The Newsletter is a collection of web sites relating to radio (AM/FM, shortwave, Internet radio, amateur radio, scanning and CB), communications, telecommunications, radio memorabilia and collectibles, science, technology, space and astronomy, weather, transportation, plus some other fun things. Each edition includes 30 to 40 web sites, some submitted by subscribers. All sites are reviewed, verified and presented to you with the URL and an accompanying brief description of each site. The Newsletter is distributed to over 1500 subscribers usually in the first week of each month and arrives in your in-box with no complicated attachments, and no fear of malware. Archived copies of previous editions of the Newsletter may be viewed in the Radio HF IO Group at To contribute material the Radio H.F. Internet Newsletter, simply send your submissions, supplying your first and last name (no nicknames, please), to




Glenn Hauser's World of Radio -

The portal to the numerous radio information sources, publications, radio broadcasts, et cetera, from one of the best known names in the game.


Gilles Letourneau's OfficialSWLChannel -

Each Saturday at 2000 UTC Gilles Letourneau, VE2ZZI, of Montréal, Quebéc presents a live video broadcast all about radio, in particular shortwave radio, on his OfficialSWLChannel. Join in each month for information and lively discussion about shortwave radio from A to Z, and interact with others in the accompanying chat room. Gilles also has many videos on his channel featuring equipment reviews, captured shortwave recordings, propagation reports, and more. You're also invited to join the OfficialSWLChannel Facebook group at


Thomas Witherspoon's -

Your guide to shortwave radio listening, news and shortwave radio reviews.

The SWLing Post - - A blog that adds a dynamic and interactive extension to The aim is to provide quality content in the form of:

  • International broadcasting news
  • Interviews
  • The internet and, specifically, how it influences radio broadcasters
  • The history and future of shortwave radio
  • Shortwave receiver reviews

Universal Radio Research's -

The web resource for radio hobbyists; an informative website for radio enthusiasts, originally created by noted author Harry Helms. DXing is the art and science of listening to distant stations. You will now find all the information from the original site plus some exciting new features.

Radio Clubs and Organizations

International Radio Club of America - - Founded in 1964, IRCA is a club devoted to the hobby of hearing distant stations on the AM broadcast band (510-1720 kHz). DX Monitor, the official publication of IRCA, is published 35 times a year, weekly from October to March, twice in September and April, and monthly from May to August. DX Monitor contains members' loggings, articles on radio stations, receiver reviews, technical articles, DX tips, and other material of interest to Broadcast Band DX hobbyists.  ANARC.

National Radio Club - - The official site of the National Radio Club (NRC), the world's oldest and largest medium wave DX club. NRC was founded in 1933 and continues today as a respected group of radio listeners. Please use the links help navigate to specific locations throughout the site.  ANARC.


NASWA- The North American Shortwave Association - - NASWA has been sharing information about shortwave radio since 1961, focusing on domestic and international broadcasts on shortwave frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz. ANARC.

NASWA Winter SWL Festival -

The Winter SWL Fest is a conference of radio hobbyists of all stripes, from DC to daylight, held each year since 1988 in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.

Longwave Club of the Americas - - LWCA was organized in January, 1974 to promote monitoring and experimentation on frequencies below the AM broadcast band. Such activities have come to include hearing and identifying navigational beacons, recording and analyzing natural radio emissions at very low frequencies, transmitting under low power rules in the 1750 meter band (and secondarily, on other frequencies where such Part 15 experimentation is also permitted), and advocating for amateur radio in the longwave spectrum.  ANARC.

Worldwide TV-FM DX Association - - WTDFA is the only Radio hobby club in North America that caters to the TV and FM DXer, as well as those who DX 30-50 MHz utilities and Weather Radio.  ANARC.

Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts, Inc - - MARE is a hobby club dedicated to providing information about all radio hobbies. We are recognized by the State of Michigan and the US Internal Revenue Service (under section 501(c)(7)) as a non-profit corporation, and membership is open to anyone who has an interest in any radio hobby. 

European DX Council - - The Council was founded in 1967 and  currently has 14 member radio clubs throughout Europe.

The main aims of the EDXC are:

  • to achieve common objectives to support the European DX-listeners;
  • to advocate the interests of European DX-listeners and DX-Clubs in international organizations in the field of radio and telecommunications;
  • to support an annual EDXC Conference as the venue for European DX-listeners, DX-Clubs and others interested in the DX-hobby.

Radio Amateurs of/du Canada - - Canada's national amateur radio society. 

American Radio Relay League - - The national association for amateur radio in the United States.

CIDX, and clubs above marked with "ANARC", were members of the Association of North American Radio Clubs prior to that organization's dissolution c.2003.